Installation: Kronologi, 2012
2012, installation with octagonal wood structure, textile curtains, and sound
20 min, mono sound piece with voice over, narration in Swedish by Anna Soley Tryggvadottir
Wooden structure, 370 x 350 cm (eight sections, 150 x 350 cm each), displayed with curtains developed for: Stereoskopisk scenografi

Kronologi, installation with eight curtains, octagonal wood structure, white fabric paint. Photo: Per Eriksson
The piece Kronologi (Chronology) was developed for the exhibition Eternal Return (2012) at Magasinet in Falun, which was running through May 16 to 28, 2012 . My work consists of an octagonal wooden structure with curtains developed for the piece Stereoskopisk scenografi. Inside the construction, the new sound piece Kronologi is played out of three speakers. The installation takes us on a journey through the history of astronomy, and offers an experience based on several senses. Our vision and body movements are activated by the three dimensional construction, and by the visual qualities of the exterior images. When we pass into the installation’s centre we are surrounded by darkness and a speaker’s voice; our auditive and inner imagination takes over. The installation invites us to reflect on the nature and significance of science and technology, which, by its winding discoveries, have enabled an extended our vision towards, and knowledge about, the universe that surrounds us. It explores dichotomies and boundaries between the interior and the exterior, between then and now, image and text, knowledge and imagination.
Download the manuscript Kronologi
Download the sound file Kronologi
Download a list of the curtain’s motifs