Book release 4/10 2014 at Konstakademien: Studio Talks – Thinking Through Painting
Welcome to the release of the book Studio Talks – Thinking Through Painting and the opening of the second part of the exhibition Thinking Through Painting on Saturday 4 October, 12 – 4 pm at Konstakademien. Malin Pettersson Öberg participates in the book through a conversation with Kristina Bength and Jan Rydén, which took place in Pannrummet (The Boiler Room) at Konsthall C, Stockholm, in 2012.

Photo: Jonatan Habib Engqvist
”The exhibition Thinking Through Painting investigates painting as a way of thinking and produce meaning. It takes interest in the particular interplay between on the one hand conceptual, analytical thinking and on the other hand an embodied way of thinking through materials, spatiality, perception and painting as an act. The project has been an ongoing enquiry since 2009 and has comprised of workshops, visits to studios, travels, meetings and interviews with other artists who work with painting. For the exhibition at Konstakademien the participants have asked themselves: How would you visualize painting as a way of thinking within your artistic practice?
The book contains conversations and commissioned texts from the last five years, with contributions by: Kristina Bength, Lina Bjerneld, Jonna Bornemark, Thomas Broomé, Camilla Carlberg, Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Thomas Elovsson, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Jens Fänge, Marc Handelman, Lars-Erik Hjertström Lappalainen, Kristina Jansson, Jessica Kempe, Matts Leiderstam, Fredrik Liew, Monika Marklinger, Håkan Nilsson, Magnus af Petersens, Malin Pettersson Öberg, David Reed, Håkan Rehnberg, Hanneline Rogeberg, Jan Rydén, Sigrid Sandström, Susanna Slöör, Wendy White och Johan Widén. Den är redigerad av: Kristina Bength, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Jan Rydén and Sigrid Sandström and distributed by Arvenius+Orefeus Publishing.”
Thinking Through Painting
(Kristina Bength, Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Jan Rydén and Sigrid Sandström)