History of the Present, Kramskoy Museum of Fine Arts, Voronezh (RU) 2018

“History of the Present” – a joint project of the Voronezh Regional Art Museum named after. I.N. Kramsk and Voronezh Center for Contemporary Art on the new site of the museum in the Governor’s House, which includes exhibition and lecture programs. The project was implemented as part of a grant from the Voronezh Region government to create creatively significant projects in the field of culture and art. The exhibition will feature works by Russian and foreign artists (France, Sweden, Finland, Germany) including the members of the creative group Rodina, Nuno Vicente, Denis Patrakeev, Elizaveta Konovalova, Malin Pettersson Eberg, Olga Zhitlina and others.
The governor’s house was at the epicenter of historical events and was their witness. The history of the mansion in the style of Empire, located at the intersection of Revolution and Pr. Tchaikovsky, fully reproduces the course of the history of a large country. Modern artists have tried to reflect in their works a multifaceted vision of history and historical events of different scale. Curators of the project: Tatiana Danilevskaya, Nikolay Alekseev, Irina Aksenova.
The exhibition will be open for visiting during the month from January 18 to February 18. Visiting will be carried out only within the framework of excursions on the specified schedule:
Thursday: 18.00 pm.
Sunday: 12.00 and 13.00 hours.
The cost of a sightseeing ticket is 50 rubles.
Entry on the excursion is conducted by phone: 8 (473) 255-50-81.
Within the framework of the public program of the project there will be lectures on the themes of cultural and political history and dance performance.
Link to the webpage: https://mkram.ru/en/2018/01/11/exhibition-project-history-of-the-present-0/